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Navigate the remote job interview process Finding a Remote Job Video Tutorial LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda com

By January 14, 2022March 14th, 2023No Comments

However, being transparent about your company’s mission and your expectations from the employees is a commendable start to the employer-employee relationship. This will help you lead by example and gain your employees’ trust. Thus remote hiring is pivotal for international hiring since it helps build a diverse team comprising skilled and qualified people who are satisfied with their job. Probably the big difference is that you look harder for personal passions. If they are turning up to work remotely every day because they have to, it won’t work.

  • I initially shared these thoughts at the Change at Work conference by NOBL, here’s the full video and transcript.
  • A hiring freeze – whether it’s due to a global crisis like COVID-19 or internal company processes – is an uncomfortable situation.
  • “Because almost all communication is done via Zoom, Slack, and email, how well a person communicates via those mediums is even more important,” Leech says.
  • Of course, conducting a phone interview instead of a video interview may be the simplest way to manage this issue.

If you’d like to join this workforce and land a work-from-home job, it’s helpful to understand the remote hiring process. While many aspects of the interview process are similar to the in-person version, there are enough subtle differences that it pays to read up on how it works before you jump in. During a video interview, you can already spot communication skills. Even through a screen, you can study body language and the attention in answering your questions.

Choose the right setting for your remote interview

So, rather than awaiting the response from the HR or hiring coordinator for several days, be proactive and have timely follow-ups with the company after their proposed screening period is over. It would indicate your dedication and seriousness in knowing the interview result. Online interview tools for developers and test it well ahead of the scheduled time. Get to know the interface and be familiar with the navigation or operation of the suggested software to avoid being lost during the call. Federal Communications Commission recommends having a minimum of 1 Mbps to 6 Mbps for a seamless video conference experience.

It’s likely that some candidates will drop out of the hiring process if they have to invest time to record a video of themselves instead of the more traditional application form or phone screen. This leaves you with the candidates who are truly interested in the job and your company – i.e. you avoid spending time interviewing candidates who doubt whether they’re a good fit for the role. When it’s time to wrap up your virtual interview, combat the awkwardness by dedicating a few minutes of the interview to clearly explain the next steps of the hiring process with your candidates. This is especially important if the candidate is required to take some sort of action themselves, post-interview.

What Types of Remote/Distributed Team Tools and Software Have You Used and How Did You Use Them?

If remote interview meaning a sales candidate, we’ll give them transcripts from real prospects, if it’s a developer, we’ll review our source code, etc. We’ll use the time we save to update hiring records or perform a few application evaluations. Jaclyn Westlake worked as an agency recruiter and an HR manager in the startup, tech, and finance space for nearly 10 years before branching out into resume writing, freelance recruiting, and career advising. These days, you can find her sharing job search insights on The Muse and blogging about boat life on The Wife Aquatic. She’s also an avid paddleboarder, proud plant-based eater, and doting dog mom to a 10-year old dachshund mix named Indiana Jones. “You have a lot of independence in how you manage your time when working remotely,” Taparia says.

Since companies can source talent from anywhere globally, they can save money on employee relocation costs and forego the hassle of arranging for work permits and visas. On the other hand, skilled and qualified people can apply for their desired roles in top companies without being restricted by geographical boundaries. We’ve just emerged from a global pandemic that forced people everywhere to stay confined within the four walls of their homes.

A hiring tool you can wrap your head around

If you don’t have back-to-back meetings, you should be able to handle this task within the hour. Even if you need to wait a bit, set a minimum agreement internally that feedback is documented the same day as the interview. Keep track of the hiring process by scheduling interviews, submitting scorecards, and adding private notes to candidates. Because without that vigilance, critical information gets lost in private DMs.


Alongside their resumes and portfolios, we ask applicants to send us a video of themselves or a brief story about their favorite travel experience. That way, we get a little bit of sense into what he or she is like in terms of personality. Due to the fact that we work remotely, many individuals are intrigued by the flexible hours and the non-traditional work week.

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